Vi är rätt många som använder microHams produkter och för att köra dessa så behöver man ha programmet microHam USB Device Router igång på datorn. Nu har det visat sig att det finns en bugg i en DLL för USB-kommunikationen som kan ställa till problem. Några har bland annat rapporterat att man tappar portar ibland.

Så här skriver man i Yahoo-gruppen för microHam:
microHAM programmers have confirmed that the Router 8.0.7 instability
is due to bugs in the FTDI hardware drivers – specifically FTD2XX.DLL
version 2.8.14 but the issues exist in all 2.8.x versions of the FTDI
drivers. Unfortunately, there is no current replacement for the
defective DLL *and* Router will need to be recompiled when FTDI
releases a stable replacement.
Until FTDI release a stable driver, the programmers are working on a
*BETA* version of Router that will use version 2.6.0 of the FTDI
drivers (the same drivers used in Router 7.7.1). When that version
is ready it will be announced here – it *will not* be available for
automatic installation through Router. I have no target for the beta
but would guess it will be available before the end of the month – it
is necessary to remove developmental and debugging code from the code
base before preparing any software for release.
Users who can not wait can reinstall Router 7.7.1. To do so it will
be necessary to follow a special procedure:
1) Open Router 8.0.7
2) delete all virtual ports (Virtual Port | Delete All).
3) then close Router.
4) Open Windows Device Manager
5) right click on each “microHAM USB Device” entry and
select *Uninstall*. Check the box that says “Delete the driver
software for this device”
6) Close Device Manager
7) select “Uninstall USB Device Router” from the Uninstall folder
in the microHAM Folder of the Windows Start menu (do not use
the Windows Control Panel)
8 ) Disconnect *ALL* USB devices
9) Reboot the computer (do not allow the computer to sleep or
hibernate). This must be a cold boot to remove *all* old drivers
from memory or the new drivers will not install properly.
10) After rebooting, download the Router 7.7.1 installer from:
11) Without connecting *any* USB devices (except keyboard and mouse)
run the Router installer to reinstall Router 7.7.1. Connect *only*
the microHAM device when prompted to do so when the installer is
12) When you have connected the microHAM Interface, you will need to
manually restore the proper firmware (Device | Upload Firmware):
microKEYER II – v 4.6
digiKeyer II – v 1.0
MK2R/MK2R+ – v 5.7
micro2R – v 1.2
Station Master – v 2.8
13) after updating the firmware if necessary create your Virtual Ports
and Configure Router 7.7.1.
14) After your configuration is complete, close Router to save the
changed to the Windows Registry.
15) Restart Router and reconnect any other USB devices one at a time
while checking for conflicts.
*NOTE* If you reinstall Router 7.7.1 or the forthcoming beta, you *MUST*
disable Windows Update or set it to *manual* updates (so any update is
manually selected). Windows Update will attempt to replace FTDI driver
version 2.6.0 used in 7.7.1 with the current defective driver.
… Joe Subich, W4TV
microHAM America