Ge dig själv en julklapp…

Ge dig själv en julklapp och boka OHDXF/CCF kryssning den 30/1–1/2! Men om du inte har möjlighet att vara med hela helgen, får du inte missa att vara med på lördagen då båten ligger i Stockholms hamn! Anmäl dig nu!

Programmet är nu uppdaterat med senaste info.

Läs mer här!

73 & GOD JUL!

Ingemar SM5AJV / SE5E


Senaste om OHDXF/CCF-mötet i Stockholm

Lördagen den 31:a januari är det åter dags att träffa DX:are och Contesters från hela världen på Viking Mariella då hon ligger i Stockholms hamn. Här är senaste informationen om hur man bokar in sig på lördagen. Minst ett 20-tal svenskar brukar vara med, men det finns plats för många fler. Missa inte detta tillfälle! Det är verkligen trevligt med både föredrag och mingel.

Om du vill åka med på hela resan så finns info på OHDXF:s hemsida …

Läs det fullständiga programmet för hela kryssningen!

Day visitors attending the Meeting in Stockholm on Saturday

Remember to inform your attendance to Stockholm Meeting not later than 31.12.2014 to Kari OH5TS via email .

The following information is required:
1. First name, surname
2. Amateur radio call sign

Your registration will be confirmed by return email within a day or two. Please pay your meeting fee of 30€ to OHDXF bank account:
FI34 1125 3000 1040 28 latest 9.1.2015.

Remember to add your name and call sign as payer. Your payment will be confirmed by email.

Prepare to arrive in Viking Line ferry terminal in Stadsgården/Tegelvikshamnen, Stockholm, on Saturday the 31st of January, 2015, at 10.00 am. The representative of OHDXF will come from the ship as soon as the ship is docked. Each visitor will get an envelope with day ticket to the ship, name badge and agenda of the Meeting. The registration closes at 10.30 am and the visitors embark the ship.

You should have a valid ID card in case the Port Authority requires identification. You have to disembark the ship by 4.15 pm. at the latest.

N.b. Only pre-booked visitors may embark and attend the meeting.

In case of any problem or questions during the day visit you may call Kari OH5TS  +358 500 159040.

Saturday, January 31st

OHDXF/CCF Annual Cruise Meeting on board Viking Mariella in Stockholm

10.00 Good Morning – Get Together  on Deck 8
10.50 Opening of the DX & Contest Meeting. Olli Rissanen, OH0XX
11.00 DX Wizzard, Risto Lund, OH3UU
11.20 Sunspots, are they gone by 2020? Jan “Zaba” Hubach, OH1ZAA
12.00 DX Summit, Clublog, VOACAP and skimmers, what comes next? Jari Perkiömäki, OH6BG
12.40 Thoughts after WRTC2014, Tonno Vahk, ES5TV
13.00 Coffee Break,  Light meal
13.40 WRTC2018 Update Christian Janßen, DL1MGB
14.00 SDR Radio, the Future? Timo Törö, OH5KW
14.40 Contest Station 2020. Jukka Klemola, OH6LI
15.20 DX Summit 2020. Veijo Kontas, OH6KN
15.40 Closing of the Meeting Olli Rissanen, OH0XX
16.00 SM-visitors depart the ferry
16.45 Ferry leaves Stockholm
20.00 Dinner at A’la carte Restaurant

Hög tid att boka Contest & Dx-mötet i Tallin

Det är hög tid att boka contest och Dx-mötet i Tallin!
CCF/OHDXF/ERAU Winter Meeting in Tallinn – BOOK NOW!

Dear Contester / DXer,

Dead line to book ferry & accommodation is 1.1.2014.

If you plan to attend the event and meet fellow hams around the Baltic Sea,
please book now:

Front page will direct you to the registration form.

Happy New Year 2014!

Jouko OH1RX
CCF Team

Randy K5ZD kommer till LA Ham Meeting 19-21 april

Randy K5ZD, som numera är “chef” för CQWW kommer att närvara vid det stora norska amötörradiomötet i Oslo den 19-21 april. Två presentationer kommer att ges, en för nybörjare och en för mer erfarna contesters. 

Så här skriver norrmännen i en pressrelease.

CQ WW Contest Director K5ZD, Randy Thompson, will attend the Norwegian Ham Meeting 2013, to be held at Letohallen (close to OSL airport) 19. through 21. April.
K5ZD Randy is an experienced contester and has been inducted into the CQ Magazine Contest Hall of Fame. He has made major achievements, both from his own station and also as part of American multi-op teams. He has been Contest Director for CQ WPX Contests and last year CQ Magazine appointed him Contest Director for the world’s largest contest, the CQ WW DX Contest.
K5ZD Randy was invited by LA Contest Club and he will be the main guest speaker on the Contest Forum Saturday 20th April at 2 PM. He will give two presentations, one intended for beginners within contesting, and one aiming to be of interest for the more experienced contesters, so there will be something for everyone. The presentations are in preparation, and titles have not been finally set.
Do not miss the opportunity to attend presentation by K5ZD Randy, or to meet him at the Ham Feast on Saturday night.