WAE QTC i HF-cupen

Inför den stundande helgens Worked All Europe CW, så påminner vi om att även utväxlingen av QTC räknas som QSO i HF-cupen. Detta för att uppmuntra till att även ta emot QTC från motstationerna. Dock har vi tyvärr missat att skriva in detta i reglerna.

Att ta emot QTC på CW är en adrenalinkick. Prova och ge det en chans. I början är det stressigt och nervöst. Går det för fort eller långsamt, be om QRS eller QRQ!

Kör hårt och Lycka till!

VOACAP on-line nu med skymmningszon

Arbetet med VOACAP on-line löper vidare, med allt fler förbättringar. Det är Jari OH6BG som nu har lagt till beräkningar av skymningszonen – eller grayline som vi brukar säga. Grayline-beräkningarna är ett bra komplement till Voacap, främst på de lägre frekvenserna. Nedan är ett exempel på beräkningarna mellan Sverige och Boyvet ön i januari 2018. Vår natt verkar vara ett bra tillfälle att försöka knipa expeditionen på de lägre banden.

Så här skriver Jari i ett mail:

“I have been upgrading the VOACAP Point-to-Point service with grayline-related calculations as we all know that VOACAP is not doing so great with long-distance low-band propagation predictions. So, to help the low-band enthusiasts, I created the “All-year Grayline” service which calculates the most important grayline-related times (in UTC) for the chosen path – for every day of the year. The results will be displayed on a separate page with some evaluation for times which could provide enhanced signal levels. There are three color codes to mark the “enhanced” time periods: green, blue and red.

Also, to visualize better what’s going on with the day and night, each day of the year (in the DATE column) is a hyper-link, and when clicked, another tab will open a Google Map, displaying the TX and RX, a red great-circle line (via short-path) and a small red circle which shows the geographical midpoint between TX and RX. The top of the page shows a number of clickable time boxes (the times which were calculated on the previous page), and when you do click them, the terminator line will be set accordingly on the map. The time boxes provide a tooltip when you hover the mouse over them, explaining the time in question. ”

Kolla själv på Voacap-sajten!



IARU R1 Fieldday – Regler

DARC verkar ha fått problem med sin webbsajt och det går inte längre att nå reglerna för IARU R1 Fieldday som går i helgen.  Nedan är en kopia av de regler som låg ute för några dagar sedan på den tyska sajten.

IARU R1 Fieldday – Rules

1. Objective

The IARU-Region-1-Field Day is an excellent opportunity for club activity in varied areas, such as antenna design, construction and erection, generator maintenance and, increasingly, computer expertise without regular power lines and fixed antennas.

2. Contest periods

CW : first (full) weekend in June – Saturday 15.00 UTC to Sunday 14.59 UTC (2016: 04.-05. June)
SSB: first (full) weekend in September – Saturday 13.00 UTC to Sunday 12.59 UTC (2016: 03.-04. September)

3. Bands

1,8, 3,5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz (no SSB-operation at 1.8 MHz from German stations)

Contest preferred segments:

CW: 3.510 – 3.560, 7.000 – 7.040, 14.000 – 14.060 MHz
SSB: 3.600 – 3.650, 3.700 – 3.800, 7.060 – 7.100, 7.130 – 7.200, 14.125 – 14.300 MHz

4. Registration

Fieldday stations can register online at www.darc.de/referate/dx/contest/fd/anmeldung/. Successful registration is confirmed by email; there are maps with all registered stations available at the site mentioned above.

5. Working conditions for all Field Day stations

The equipment of the Field Day stations (portable) must consist of portable equipment, portable antennas and power supplies independent from the power line. Use of existing or previously installed equipment is not allowed. It is not allowed for Field Day stations to use the mains power.

The installation of the station and antenna must not start earlier than 24 hours before the beginning of the contest. It is not allowed to attach the antennas to houses or other permanent buildings. The distance to the next power line or inhabited houses must be at least 100 m.

Only one transceiver or one receiver and one transmitter is allowed. Stand-by equipment is allowed on site, but it must not be connected to a power source when the main equipment is in use. The RF power should be adjusted to the maximum power output and constantly monitored to assure that it at not time exceeds the maximum power allowed for that section.

All stations are subject to inspection by representatives of the Field Day manager who will ensure that the rules and spirit of the contest are being observed.

6. Classes of Operation

This is a portable contest as generally defined above.

  • Portable, single operator, QRP, assisted
  • Portable, multi operator, low power, non-assisted
  • Portable, multi operator, low power, assisted
  • Portable, multi operator, QRP, assisted
  • Portable, multi operator, high power, assisted
  • Fixed

Stations outside and inside Germany are participating in different categories.

Output power:
QRP = 5 watts maximum
Low Power = 100 watts maximum
High Power = more than 100 watts

Non-assisted stations are permitted to use only one antenna with a single element (vertical or dipole). No more than two elevated supports’ not exceeding 15 m height above ground at its highest point’ are permitted

Single operator stations are permitted to operate only 18h of the 24h contest period.

The 6h of non-operation must be taken in not more than three periods and must be clearly noted in the log.

All stations, which are not meeting the field day rules are fixed stations and are not counting for the DARC-Club-Championship and for the DARC-Short-Wave-Trophy.

7. Call

SSB: CQ Field Day

8. Exchange

RS(T) + serial number starting from 001

If the station worked does not send a serial number, log the contact with number 000.

9. Scoring

fixed station to fixed station: 0 points

For contacts with:

  • fixed stations in Europe: 2 points
  • fixed stations outside Europe: 3 points
  • portable stations in Europe: 4 points
  • portable stations outside Europe: 6 points

Each station may be contacted only once per band.

Portable stations only count as portable if they sign “/p”, “/m”, “/mm”, or “/am”,

10. Multipliers

ONE for each WAE country / DXCC entity worked on each band

11. Scoring

The final score is computed by multiplying the sum of the total number of QSO-points by the sum of the multipliers.

12. Logs

Upload only STF or Cabrillo logs to www.darc.de/referate/dx/contest/fd/logupload/

FD-station accepts that on demand the log may be transferred to another FD manager outside of Germany.

13. Deadline for log entries

The 3rd Monday after the contest: (for 2016: June, 20th and September, 19th)

14. Awards

Certification of Merit will be available on the DARC server for download.

15. Disqualification

Violation of the rules of the contest, un-sportsmanship conduct, or taking credit for excessive duplicate contacts will be deemed cause for disqualification.

Actions and decisions of the DARC Contest Committee are official and final.

16. E-mail addresses

Questions: fieldday-info(at)dxhf.darc.de

SSA MT 2016 – Vem vann?

Nu är resultatet klart för SSA Månadstest 2016. Grattis till SM6PPS som vann CW-delen och till SM7XWI som vann SSB-delen!

UPPDATERING 2017-05-23!
Ett fel hade smugit sig in i sammanställningen av MT-CW. Alla resultat från oktober fattades. Det är nu rättat och är resultatet uppdaterat.

Klicka på respektive lista, för att se allas resultat!

Baltic Contest på CW & SSB

Nu i helgen 20-21 maj, arrangeras den trevliga testen Baltic Contest för 53:e gången.

Det är full fart, med mängder av motstationer från Baltikum ES, LY, YL. Även om det är fokus på de baltiska stationera så får man även poäng för stationer utanför Baltikum. Testen startar 21.00 UTC på lördagen och avslutas 01.59 UTC på söndagsmorgonen och går både på CW, SSB, eller MIXED.

Läs mer i de reglerna! Notera att varken cluster, Skimmer eller Reverse Beacon Network är tillåtet för den som vill delta som Single Operator.

Man kan lämna synpunkter på testen genom att fylla i en enkel enkät som finns på: https://goo.gl/forms/14AY4HO5tmxqL2IC3

För oss i Skandinavien finns det en trevlig plakett att erövra.baltic_contest_scandinavian_trophy