Återigen har Contest Club Finland (CCF) producerat ett nytt nummer av contest-tidningen PileUp!
52 fullpäckade sidor har tagits fram av det här stora gänget. Imponerande. Ladda hem och njut!
G3PJT, IZ4AKS, K5ZD, K9LA, OH1VR, OH1WZ, OH2BH, OH2BU, OH2BP, OH2BR, OH2IW, OH2UA, OH3BU, OH4XX, OH6KZP, OH6LBW, OH6LI, OH6MW, OH7WV, RA3AUU, RA6LBS, SM3SGP, SM6LRR, VK4TI Download the 52-page pdf: http://www.helsinki.fi/~korpela/PU/PU.html or http://www.contestclubfinland.com/CCF/ Contents: 3. From the Guest Editors - Toimitukselta 4. CCF Humour 5. Noob Contesting, Part 2 ...... Ari, OH6MW 7. An Update on Solar Cycle 24 . Carl, K9LA 9. CQ WPX Contest Online Score Dbase...... Randy, K5ZD 12. WRTC is Coming ? Are You Ready? ........ Harry, RA3AUU 14. ...Exclusive PileUP! Interview (WRTC) 18. Houston - We Have a Dupe in the Log! ... Ilkka, OH1WZ 20. Low Budget Contesting from Cyprus ...... Mats, SM6LRR 23. A Linear Amplifier at Low Cost ......... Esa, OH7WV 26. A Brief Analysis of Contesting Skills .. Jari, OH3BU 28. LCC Interview with Jukka, OH6LI ....... Ilkka, OH1WZ 31. Käsimatkatavaroin workkimismatkalle .... Seppo, OH1VR (in Finnish) 33. Kokemuksia OH-kilpailujen järjestämisestä Jari, OH2BU (in Finnish) 38. Low Cost Vertical ....................... Esa, OH7WV 39. Introducing the CCF board 42. News and Stuff 47. IARU 2010 ? pistetäänkö porukalla ...... Janne, OH6LBW (in Finnish) 49. DX Code of Conduct by FOC ............... Bob, G3PJT 50. Fun Page 51. CCF-Tavarapörssi / CCF Flea market br OH1WZ, OH6KZP & OH7WV