SAC mottagna loggar

SM3CER har nu kämpat sig igenom den stora högen med inkomna loggar från årets SAC-test. Det ser ut att bli nytt rekord i antalet deltagare. Så här ser läget ut just idag:

    Entity        CW   SSB
    JW             0     1
    LA            16    16
    OH0/OJ0        3     2
    OH            61    38
    OX             0     0
    OY             0     1
    OZ            16    22
    SM            97   102
    TF             4     3
    Scand.       197   185
    Non-Scand.   808   463
    Total       1005   648

Det är viktigt att kolla att just din logg har kommit fram! Om du inte finns med i listorna ber vi dig skicka in loggen igen. Några har lyckats skicka loggar i fel format, fel test etc. Så var noga med att kolla! Gå vidare till SAC Received Logs

WAG-test samtidigt som JOTA

Helgen den 18-19 oktober pågår den världsomspännande   Jamboree On The Air där scouter över hela världen får tillfället att kontakta varandra via amatörradio. Samtidigt kör DARC tävlingen Worked All Germany Contest. För att minska problemen för JOTA-stationerna har man infört ett antal contest-fria frekvensegment. Så här skriver DL1DTL (Tack till SM1TDE som tipsade):

Dear Friends!
The Worked All Germany Contest 2008 will be running from Saturday, October
18, 2008, 1500 UTC until Sunday, October 19, 2008, 1459 UTC. The DARC
Committee of DX and HF-Contesting has the great pleasure to invite you to
take part in this interesting contest and work as many German stations as
possible. There is also a good possibility to check your setup for the
coming WWDX-Contests.
We want to bring your attention to the frequency segments regulations for
this contest: According to IARU Region I regulations and from experience in
2006 and 2007 to reduce interference with the participants of JOTA
activities contest operation is not allowed in the following contest-free
sections:80m: CW – 3560 – 3800 kHz, SSB – 3650 – 3700 kHz
40m: SSB – 7080 – 7140 kHz
20m: CW – 14060 – 14350 kHz, SSB – 14100 – 14125 kHz and 14280 – 14350 kHz
15m: SSB – 21350 – 21450 kHz
10m: SSB – 28225 – 28400 kHz

Please find some time to participate in this interesting contest. Even if
you can operate for a few hours only, EVERY log entry will be rewarded with
the new online certificate!

You will find a lot of interesting informations about all the DARC-contests
on our homepage

Complete rules and regulations for the WAG 2008 can be found here.

Looking forward to meet you in the contest and see YOUR log entry!!!

73 and gd dx !

Klaus Voigt DL1DTL
WAG Contestmanager

SSA Månadstest

Resultaten från testerna i september är nu klara. Testledaren SM3CER har bråda dagar med SAC-loggar som strömmar in i parti och minut.  Därför har septemberresultatet dröjt. I helgen är det dags för MT nr 10! Vem vet kanske det blir en och annan ny kommun i den nystartade kommunjakten?

SSA Månadstest nr 10 – SSB 1400 – 1500 UTC
SSA Månadstest nr 10 – CW 1515 – 1615 UTC

CCF-kryssningen 2009

OHDXFCCFContest Club Finland (CCF) and OH DX Foundation (OHDXF) are happy to announce the 14th CCF & OHDXF Contest and DX Meeting on 16-18 January 2009.

The meeting concept will be traditional – a ferry cruise on the Baltic Sea, from Helsinki via Aland Islands to Stockholm and back to Helsinki. Presentations take place on board the ferry on Friday evening and on Saturday between 11:00-16:15.

Daytime visitors on Saturday 17-Jan in Stockholm are  most welcome!

Cruise schedule in local times

Fri 16-Jan-2009 (Helsinki):
15:30-17:00  Check-in at Viking Line / Katajanokka Terminal (1 st. floor)
17:30        Ferry leaves Helsinki
18:00-20:15  Get-together + Presentations
20:30-...    Buffet dinner
Sat 17-Jan-2009 (Stockholm) :
09:40        Arrival to Stockholm
11:00-16:15  Presentations            <-- Daytime visitors most welcome!
16:45        Ferry leaves Stockholm
20:00-...    Contest/DX dinner
For the avec's: Possibility to visit Stockholm between 10:00-16:00 (local time).
Sun 18-Jan-2009 (Helsinki):
09:45        Arrival to Helsinki
The cruise packages will include the contest-DX buffet on Friday evening and the a'la carte dinner on Saturday evening.

For more detailed info of agenda, cruise packages, daytime visits (Saturday/Stockholm), time schedule, airline offers, how to register etc., please stay tuned at CCF, OHDXF and your contest e-mail reflector.
The CCF/OHDXF cruise information packages with reservation information is now available at the OHDXF web

Interested in hosting a Contest/DX/Club suite on board?
Pse contact Kari, OH2XX (callsign @ SRAL.FI)

Book your January 16-18 weekend now!

73 and hope to see you “/MM”


Regeländringar i CQ WPX-testen

CQK5ZD, Randy har publicerat några kommande ändringar i CQ WPX-testen. Ändringarna kommer att gälla från 2009 och handlar om Skimmer, Multi Operator Single Transmitter, Club Competition, Single Band Entries, Disqualification, Rookie Category. Läs mer på WPX-testens blog Där kan man också lämna synpunkter på regeländringarna innan de fastställs.