IARU-tester & COVID-19

Från IARU och G3BJ kommer nedanstående meddelande om IARU ståndpunkt kring tester som har klasser med MULTI-OPERATOR. 


Radio amateurs will share the concerns of everyone about the seriousness of the COVID-19 outbreak. Governments all over the world are advising “social distancing” to slow the spread of the virus and to give health services the chance to cope.

Field days bring radio amateurs together and therefore represent an environment where social distancing is difficult to achieve. We must recognise that many radio amateurs are in the older, higher risk age groups.  IARU Region 1 therefore asks national societies which promote field days and multi-operator contests to reconsider their position on these events for the next few months of 2020. Field days are essentially team contests, and so IARU will not sponsor the Region 1 HF-CW Field Day in June.   It is a matter for national societies to decide whether and how they continue with their national field day events. 

IARU Region 1 believes more generally that multi-operator contests are not consistent with the principle of ”social distancing” and should not be promoted at this time. 

The position on other IARU events in 2020 which involve multi-operator categories is under review.

Single operator contests, however, remain a great way for those forced to stay at home to enjoy the magic of amateur radio!


Don Beattie, President IARU Region 1

Announcing the 22nd Annual DX and Contest Meeting


Due to the corona virus, the OHDXF & CCF meeting have to be cancel.
Corona viruksesta johtuen OHDXF & CCF miitinki perutaan.

OH DX Foundation och Contest Club Finland bjuder åter in till sin årliga sammankomst där DXare och Contesters från hela världen möts för en trevlig helg tillsammans. Den här gången blir det med fast mark under fötterna i Tampere / Tammerfors den 16:e maj. Missa inte detta tillfälle!

We are happy to announce the 2020 DX & Contest Meeting. It will be held this year in Tampere on the 16th of May in the Holiday Club Tampere Spa. See https://www.holidayclubresorts.com/en/. The organizers are both CCF and OHDXF.

We have opened registration today. The theme of the meeting is “Contesting & DX’ing in 2025”. We are preparing the program just now and will get most of it out within this month. There will be 7 to 8 presentations, two of which are already fixed. The intention is to have about half and half Contesting and DX. Should you or anyone else from SM have anything to present, please make us a proposal. It would be very much appreciated.

The Meeting fee is € 75,- just like before. It includes the program, the conference space and equipment, a lunch and afternoon coffee. On Friday the 15th we have reserved a space in the restaurant for a Get together meeting on the basis of everyone cover his/hers own costs. On Saturday the 16th the Meeting starts at 10 and continues until 18 o’clock. The Conference Dinner will be from 20 till midnight with a continuation in the bar. Again the dining and refreshments will be charged individually. There is no program on Sunday. 

We have reserved a quota from the hotel for the nights of May 15 and 16.
The room prices are € 108,- per night in a single room and € 128,- per night in a twin room (€ 64,- per person). The price includes breakfast and a free allowance to the Spa premises. I’ll update all this into the www.ohdxf.fi pages but it will take a few days.

Kari OH5TS

AM-test vinter

Den 1:a februari kl 9-11 (8-10 UTC) är det dags igen för lekfull test, anordnad av Arboga Radioklubb och Arboga FRO-avdelning.

Frekvens: 3600-3750, max 100 W, AM, fast eller portabel station
Testmeddelande: Utbyte av signal, rapport, förnamn och QTH.
Läs mer i de fullständiga reglerna https://sm5b.se/am-test-regler-2/ 

Loggar i valfritt format till SM5EMR inom 14 dagar, gärna med bilder.

Även Dxlog är förberett för AM-testen!

Diplom som vanligt till alla som behärskar denna ursprungliga teknik!

SSA Jultest 2019 – Resultat

Resultaten för SSA:s Jultest 2019 är klara. Grattis till Gunnar SM3SGP som vann klass A (HP/LP) och till Dan, SM5IMO som vann klass B (QRP).

Ansvarig för rättningen var Ingemar SM5AJV.

 Klass A: Single Operator
Antal QSO Godk. QSO QSO-poäng
Pl. Call 80/40 Tot 80/40 Tot 80/40 Tot Op.
--- ---------- ----- --- ----- --- ------- --- ------
1. SK3W 55/35 90 55/35 90 106/ 67 173 SM3SGP
2. SM5AJV 53/30 83 52/30 82 102/ 58 160 SM5AJV
3. SM6MCW 49/31 80 46/31 77 88/ 59 147 SM6MCW
4. SF6W 56/ 9 65 56/ 9 65 110/ 17 127 SM6EWB
5. SM5EPO 42/26 68 41/26 67 74/ 46 120 SM5EPO
6. SM5NBE 55/ 7 62 55/ 7 62 105/ 13 118 SM5NBE
7. SM0OY 49/12 61 49/12 61 91/ 21 112 SM0OY
8. SM7DUZ 44/14 58 43/14 57 83/ 27 110 SM7DUZ
9. SI6T 48/10 58 48/10 58 91/ 18 109 SM6LZQ
9. SM5ALJ 50/11 61 49/10 59 93/ 16 109 SM5ALJ
10. SD1A 49/12 61 45/11 56 89/ 19 108 SM1TDE
11. SM7ATL 46/ 9 55 44/ 8 52 86/ 16 102 SM7ATL
12. SF1Z 52/ 9 61 49/ 9 58 86/ 15 101 SM0HEV
12. SM7M 59/ 0 59 55/ 0 55 101/ 0 101 SM7BUA
13. SM6OEF 48/ 5 53 46/ 4 50 88/ 6 94 SM6OEF
14. SM6EHL 43/ 6 49 40/ 6 46 73/ 10 83 SM6EHL
15. SD6M 40/ 3 43 38/ 3 41 70/ 6 76 SA6BGR
15. SA0AQT 29/11 40 29/11 40 54/ 22 76 SA0AQT
16. SM6NJK 41/ 0 41 41/ 0 41 75/ 0 75 SM6NJK
17. SM5CCT 37/ 1 38 37/ 1 38 72/ 2 74 SM5CCT
18. SM5COP 26/ 8 34 26/ 8 34 51/ 16 67 SM5COP
19. SM3EVR 19/ 9 28 19/ 9 28 37/ 18 55 SM3EVR
19. SF5O 22/ 7 29 22/ 7 29 43/ 12 55 SM0EOS
20. SA4BJL 28/ 1 29 27/ 1 28 48/ 2 50 SA0BJL
21. SK4EA 21/ 3 24 21/ 3 24 41/ 6 47 SM4EPR
22. SA0BXV 22/ 0 22 22/ 0 22 41/ 0 41 SA0BXV
23. SM5FUG 18/ 0 18 18/ 0 18 36/ 0 36 SM5FUG
24. SM0CUH 16/ 2 18 15/ 2 17 28/ 4 32 SM0CUH
25. SD7X 16/ 0 16 15/ 0 15 29/ 0 29 SA7AJC
26. SM5GLC 6/ 0 6 6/ 0 6 11/ 0 11 SM5GLC

Klass B: Single Operator/QRP

Antal QSO Godk. QSO QSO-poäng
Pl. Call 80/40 Tot 80/40 Tot 80/40 Tot Op.
--- ---------- ----- --- ----- --- ------- --- ------
1. SM5IMO 52/ 9 61 52/ 9 61 102/ 18 120 SM5IMO

Checklog: SK5A (op. SM5GMZ)

Antal deltagare: 33
Antal loggar: 32


Tack för julunderhållningen, och ursäkta en något rostig CW.
73 de BJL

1 + 2h - trögt på 40! Tyska testen på annandagen underlättade
inte här i söder :)

Datorstrul gjorde att jag inte kom igång förrän 19 minuter
efter start. Det gick ganska bra ändå. /Thorbjörn SM6LZQ

Trevlig avkoppling med en timmes aktivitet i jultesten.
73 från Mats SM4EPR

Elecraft K2, 5W. 40 m/Half Square, 80 m/Dipol.

Jultest efter många års uppehåll, men lika trevligt
som förut. Problem med 40m RX pga lågtliggande 86m loop.