SSA Portabeltest 17 maj 2020

Den 17 maj är det dags för portabeltestens våromgång. Vi kör som vanligt och dessutom slipper vi konkurrensen från Dayton och OHDXF&CCF-mötet.

Med tanke på Corona är det viktigt att ni som kör multiklassen tänker på att följa dom rekommendationer som myndigheterna har gett ut beträffande att hålla avstånd etc.

Reglerna för testen finns här

En nyhet för i år är att programmet nu stödjer portabeltesten. Programmet kan laddas ner från

Ta nu chansen att komma ut och njuta av våren när den är som bäst.

73 Dan/SM5IMO

HF-cupen och namngivning av småtester

Har du också tröttnat på att behöva gå in och modifiera testnamnet innan du laddar upp loggen?

För t.ex. CW-OPS-CWT och andra småtester numrerar vi testerna under en och samma månad med CW-OPS-CWT-1, -2, etc.

Vi har nu modifierat formuläret för uppladdningen av loggarna, så att du kan ändra testens namn innan du trycker på OK/Spara. Detta gör att du inte längre behöver redigera Cabrillo/EDI-loggen.

IARU-tester & COVID-19

Från IARU och G3BJ kommer nedanstående meddelande om IARU ståndpunkt kring tester som har klasser med MULTI-OPERATOR. 


Radio amateurs will share the concerns of everyone about the seriousness of the COVID-19 outbreak. Governments all over the world are advising “social distancing” to slow the spread of the virus and to give health services the chance to cope.

Field days bring radio amateurs together and therefore represent an environment where social distancing is difficult to achieve. We must recognise that many radio amateurs are in the older, higher risk age groups.  IARU Region 1 therefore asks national societies which promote field days and multi-operator contests to reconsider their position on these events for the next few months of 2020. Field days are essentially team contests, and so IARU will not sponsor the Region 1 HF-CW Field Day in June.   It is a matter for national societies to decide whether and how they continue with their national field day events. 

IARU Region 1 believes more generally that multi-operator contests are not consistent with the principle of ”social distancing” and should not be promoted at this time. 

The position on other IARU events in 2020 which involve multi-operator categories is under review.

Single operator contests, however, remain a great way for those forced to stay at home to enjoy the magic of amateur radio!


Don Beattie, President IARU Region 1

Announcing the 22nd Annual DX and Contest Meeting


Due to the corona virus, the OHDXF & CCF meeting have to be cancel.
Corona viruksesta johtuen OHDXF & CCF miitinki perutaan.

OH DX Foundation och Contest Club Finland bjuder åter in till sin årliga sammankomst där DXare och Contesters från hela världen möts för en trevlig helg tillsammans. Den här gången blir det med fast mark under fötterna i Tampere / Tammerfors den 16:e maj. Missa inte detta tillfälle!

We are happy to announce the 2020 DX & Contest Meeting. It will be held this year in Tampere on the 16th of May in the Holiday Club Tampere Spa. See The organizers are both CCF and OHDXF.

We have opened registration today. The theme of the meeting is “Contesting & DX’ing in 2025”. We are preparing the program just now and will get most of it out within this month. There will be 7 to 8 presentations, two of which are already fixed. The intention is to have about half and half Contesting and DX. Should you or anyone else from SM have anything to present, please make us a proposal. It would be very much appreciated.

The Meeting fee is € 75,- just like before. It includes the program, the conference space and equipment, a lunch and afternoon coffee. On Friday the 15th we have reserved a space in the restaurant for a Get together meeting on the basis of everyone cover his/hers own costs. On Saturday the 16th the Meeting starts at 10 and continues until 18 o’clock. The Conference Dinner will be from 20 till midnight with a continuation in the bar. Again the dining and refreshments will be charged individually. There is no program on Sunday. 

We have reserved a quota from the hotel for the nights of May 15 and 16.
The room prices are € 108,- per night in a single room and € 128,- per night in a twin room (€ 64,- per person). The price includes breakfast and a free allowance to the Spa premises. I’ll update all this into the pages but it will take a few days.

Kari OH5TS